"So many people live within unhappy circumstances and yet will not take the initiative to change their situation because they are conditioned to a life of security, conformity, and conservatism, all of which may appear to give one peace of mind, but in reality nothing is more damaging to the adventurous spirit within a man than a secure future. The very basic core of a man's living spirit is his passion for adventure. The joy of life comes from our encounters with new experiences, and hence there is no greater joy than to have an endlessly changing horizon, for each day to have a new and different sun."
-Christopher McCandless

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Today was a rainy day. But nonetheless, a productive day. I met with the girl I talked about in my last post. Longboarded in the rain to Starbucks to meet her. Got a bit muddier and wetter than expected. She was nice, quiet, but nice. She then took me to her place and showed me around, it was super nice. But it is a bit out of my price range. Then I called about a room I saw posted on craigs list. An all female and vegetarian home. So I called, and then went to see it. Longboarded there in the rain as well. It was a mother and her daughter and about a minimum of 50 different animals. They had about 26+ fish, 4 cats, 2 turtles, a lot of bunnies, and a lot of birds. (The birds and bunnies literally had their own room. ha!) They showed me what would be my room and it is super nice and the whole place is really clean (except for the bunny/bird room). I think I may take the room though. They seem really nice and she even said she would cook for me sometimes too! Plus I came for adventure, and I think this is defiantly adventure worthy material. (I'm sure this house is making my father cringe though. hahahahaha)

The rest of my day consisted of reading and applying for jobs. Later on I hung out with Matt and Allison for a bit. We watched some very funny youtube videos. Example. If you do watch this video, be sure that you are prepared. It's one of those videos where you don't know exactly how to handle it, but i bet you'll end up laughing. It it horribly hilarious, but I do feel bad for that kid when he has to grow up and date.....

A few days ago Matt said to me that he thinks Alaska has the highest number of crazy people per capita. And everyday I agree more and more. But I actually like it. People here definitely aren't boring!

Oh! I almost forgot about the best part of my day... before I went out to meet that one girl at Starbucks I overflowed the toilet! I felt so bad, but due to my previous experience with my dear friend Elisa, I was able to quickly stop the water and stop the massive flooding that was about to ensue. Overall, it was just funny. No carpets or expensive towels were hurt in the process.

Sorry there are no pictures for today, but I didn't dare take my lovely camera out into the rain and put its life in jeopardy.

I was thinking about posting a different quote with every post. Just one that I've liked or has made me think... here's the one from today, in picture form...


  1. Love your blog Kelly and your quote. Stay safe and count the bunnies each day to be sure you are eating vegetarian. Just kidding - Have a great adventure.
    love, Aunt Susie

  2. Sounds like a wonderful day and a great adventure. Anxious to hear more about your accommodations. Great quote. More later. xo Mom

  3. Kelly, It was soooo great to hear from you and hope you continue bloggin'. (I went back and read your every blog and all comments) Your Mother sounds like a great person. And I love the nickname "our little Kelly skunk". (lol) Sue & I have missed your bright smiley face and we are so happy that we can see it on here. We hope you have a great & safe adventure. (envy your youth) Remember the old Indian word for vegetarian is "Poor Hunter". LUVYA, Uncle Bill & Sue in Wyomissing.

  4. Hi Kelly, I was so glad to hear from you - I truely needed to read the paragraph about "the adventurous spirit" below your picture!!!! That used to be me!! I intend to get her back!!
    I wish I was there in Alaska - it looks soo beautiful, I am very happy for you and wish you the best of luck! I will keep checking in to see how you are doing

  5. wow Kelly! i just read through all your posts and I'm so jealous! It sounds like you doing great and livin' it up. I'm sure you'll work everything out very soon. This is a great blog you have going here, I can't wait to read about your next adventure! Take care and watch out for those meeses! :)
