"So many people live within unhappy circumstances and yet will not take the initiative to change their situation because they are conditioned to a life of security, conformity, and conservatism, all of which may appear to give one peace of mind, but in reality nothing is more damaging to the adventurous spirit within a man than a secure future. The very basic core of a man's living spirit is his passion for adventure. The joy of life comes from our encounters with new experiences, and hence there is no greater joy than to have an endlessly changing horizon, for each day to have a new and different sun."
-Christopher McCandless

Saturday, June 12, 2010

I saw my first moose!

So it wasn't the first moose I'd ever seen, but it was the first moose since I have been up here.
Woke up and looked for apartments then I headed into town.
I took the bus, ended getting on the wrong bus, but I didn't mind because I got where I wanted to go and I got to see more of the area, plus everyone was nice.
So then I got into town and was hungary, got a cheese and broccoli quesh.
I saw some kid get arrested in the park for skateboarding so I quickly left. I thought that was kinda crazy though.
Then I went on the coastal trail and it was BEAUTIFUL. It was the first pure view I got of the mountains. They are just so beautiful. Then I went out on the shore, skipped around on some rocks. Saw my first moose! And like a tourist I stopped and started snapping photos. At least I got it out of my system. Then the trail started to go through the woods and there were all these wood and mallard ducks in the little ponds in the woods. But then, there also was an INSANE amount of mosquitoes. I had never seen so many mosquitos attach a single person and not stop. I wasn't fun. I eventually got away from them and went to earthquake park and climbed some random stuff. Then I boarded around for a bit more and since I was out to late to catch the bus back I had to board allll the way back to Matt & Allisons. That was not a short ride at all. But it was still fun. I went on google maps and found out I boarded 12 miles today. Needless to say my legs are sore. I just downloaded my pictures and ate some ceral. About to hit the sack. But below are some picture from my day!

My Longboarding Route for the day

Me on the Coastal Trail with those BEAUTIFUL mountains in the background.

First moose I saw!

Where I was chillin for a bit last night, some little trails off of the greenbelt.

View from that picnic table.

The woods here are so green they almost glow green. haha

A pretty flower that was scattered around the trails and woods.


  1. Great photos! Especially the moose. Love hearing and seeing what you're up to. xo Mom

  2. Kelly,
    I saw my first moose up there as well a few weeks ago. He looks just like the one I saw (HaHa). Hope you have a good time, it is extremely beautiful up there and every turn is like a picture postcard. If I come up again before the end of the summer, I will let you know. Be safe and enjoy.

  3. Hi Kelly,
    Love the photos - keep those coming! The Dumas' are all wishing you a great adventure. Have fun, be safe!
    Mrs. D.

  4. Very cool! Your summer should be a great adventure!! Have a great time!! (btw...i'm very jealous!)

  5. Grandma Charlotte says "You'll probably loose some weight on the skateboard! Carry some snacks with you. Take one day at a time, and good luck"

    Grandma Kelly says "Hi Kelly! I hope you're having a great time. I hope you get a good job *voice changes to high pitch with tears roll down her face* and I love you!!!!!!!!!!!

    Love you lots and lots and lots Kelly!

  6. Hey Kelly! Love the photos, keep 'em coming. Hard getting a job in PA, so I don't imagine AK would be any different :-) but keep your chin up and keep walking/boarding and you'll soak it all in. I'm enjoying reading your adventures. Take care- be safe- have fun! Debbie Burke

  7. Kelly,
    You sure are getting some exercise! Keep the blogs and pics coming. We like to be posted on your happenings. Be careful around the moose,they are very smelly! Heh! Heh! Good luck finding that summer job. Love You!
    Marge & Ron

  8. Kelly,
    okay so i got a really cool idea for a shot.
    Can you do a slow exposure shot of you longboarding? i think with an alaskan backdrop and the lines you would get from the carving!!!it would be sweet.

    (this message was brought to you by JEFF-REY)

  9. Hey long time no hear- moose got yer tongue? How's it going up north?

