"So many people live within unhappy circumstances and yet will not take the initiative to change their situation because they are conditioned to a life of security, conformity, and conservatism, all of which may appear to give one peace of mind, but in reality nothing is more damaging to the adventurous spirit within a man than a secure future. The very basic core of a man's living spirit is his passion for adventure. The joy of life comes from our encounters with new experiences, and hence there is no greater joy than to have an endlessly changing horizon, for each day to have a new and different sun."
-Christopher McCandless

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Seward Day One!

Got into Seward last night around 10PM, the ride down was beautiful! Checked into the hostel, everyone staying there was very welcoming. I sat in the common area for a while and just hung out. This morning I woke up and rode my bike to the one and only grocery store, bought shampoo and conditioner so I could take a shower....haha. I also bought some food. Then rode back while looking at the beautiful towering mountains the whole time. Showered and ate, then I was off. I walked into town with one of the girls who lives at the hostel in exchange for work. She was cool. We walked around the docks and just goofed around. Then she went to her other job and I just explored Seward! I made some connects with people for my boat ride and it miiiiiiiiiiiiiiight just happen!

What I am learning that I really like about Alaska is that everything moves at a much slower pace here. People aren't in much of a rush that they are in in PA. People actually take time to stop and smell the roses. haha

It was an absolutely gorgeous day!

The docks

I talked to these guys for a bit, they taught me how to filet a halibut!

The sea otters were swimming around everywhere!

They were so cute!

When I was walking downtown I actually heard them do the test run of the tsunami drill. It was this really loud siren, and it was actually somewhat happy sounding..... but it was super loud! Cool to hear though!

The Moby Dick Hostel that I am staying at!

haha where the B-52's song originated....

Seward definitely has the COOLEST dumpsters
Probably the most beautiful pictures of a dumpster you'll ever see...
Mile 0 of the Iditarod!

These cute little bunnies are everywhere!

I ended my day chillin in this sweet cafe, people were jammin on the guitar and I just read my book and drank hot cocoa!

Quote for the day.....
"To go wrong in one's own way is better to go right in someone else's"
-Fyodor Dostoevsky


  1. What a wonderful post. Great photos and snapshots of your life in Alaska. Looks like it was a beautiful day. I love the cafe photo. Seems like a place I would enjoying reading a book and sipping hot cocoa too! What are you reading these days? The bunnies and otters are adorable. Anxious to hear how you get on a boat for a ride. I'm sure that'll be a good story! Love you lots. xo Mom

  2. Great photos! You must be having a blast. Good luck getting a boat ride. If you do I hope you can fish as well and catch a few halibut. Did you clean any fish on the dock or was your training just by watching. Have fun. love Dad

  3. Hey Kelly!
    It's your old neighbors from Wyo all gathered around the computer enjoying your photos and postings. What a way to spend the summer, it looks amazing! Have fun and be safe!
    Elizabeth, Madison, Remi, and Sidney

  4. wow what great photos and story again, kelly, really enjoying reading your blog. your parents must be so happy for you to be able to do all this cool stuff. a good friend of mine moved to AK and lived in Seward for about a yr. back in the 90's. she loved it there, but ended up back in anchorage cause seward is too small, quiet, etc. but it sure is beautiful. keep enjoying each day and keeping us informed of what you do, who you meet and all the great stuff you're seeing! you're awesome....cin rich, your mom's old h.s.friend...

  5. amazing pictures it looks beautiful up there! hope your having fun! be safe!


  6. what do you think of with all the bunnies running around??
    elisa and andrew ;)
