"So many people live within unhappy circumstances and yet will not take the initiative to change their situation because they are conditioned to a life of security, conformity, and conservatism, all of which may appear to give one peace of mind, but in reality nothing is more damaging to the adventurous spirit within a man than a secure future. The very basic core of a man's living spirit is his passion for adventure. The joy of life comes from our encounters with new experiences, and hence there is no greater joy than to have an endlessly changing horizon, for each day to have a new and different sun."
-Christopher McCandless

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Yesterday was the day of my awesome boat ride. When we left the harbor it was a bit rainy...but the day quickly turned around! All in all, we saw 4 humpback whales, an orca, two pod of porpoises, puffins, sea otters, sea lions, and of course glaciers! The cruise was sweet. Everyone was super nice, they even ended up giving me a meal too! There was a park ranger on board too telling us all about the Kenai Fjords National Park, which is the territory we were in most of the time. He was awesome, him and I would talk in between his narration. Some of the boat ride was a bit bumpy though and most everyone was in the cabin throwing up. I felt kinda bad, but I was outside jumping trying to get more air when we hit the waves! haha I learned and saw a lot. We got back to the harbor around six o'clock and I headed back to the hostel.

The harbor in the morning

Bear Glacier (I think)

A humpback whale and her calf


Skee Glaicer (we got really close to this one, it was huge!)

Took a picture of another tour boat for scale

Aialik Glacier

Blinking in front of a glacier!

Turned out to be a really nice sunny day!

There's a little weather monitor station on top of there! ha!

sea lions!

Soooooooooooo many seagulls

Puffin, with fish or seaweed in his mouth

On the way back

The dotted line was the cruise I was on

Since it was a Saturday night, the hostel was poppin'! There were a lot of people there and everyone was awesome, a large variety of characters, but we all got along really well. Canada man (as I like to call him) brought his guitar along and long story short, there was a jam session down by the coast. It was so so so so so much fun!

Crazy Canada Man

Jam session location

Katie and I. (Katie worked at the Hostel for room and board and she was awesome)


at "night", this is about as dark as it gets here

Washington, Canada, PA, Ohio
Me and some of the crazy locals. The kid with the ears....also had a tail.....hahaha

It was a good night.....I got to see the sun come back up at 3AM...hahaa

Today, Sunday, I didn't really do too much. It was rainy and I was tired. Chilled around town and then headed back to Anchorage. I start work tomorrow! Hopefully that goes well!! :)

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Seward Day Two!

Mission Accomplished! I am getting my free boat ride tomorrow!
It's really safe too it is actually a catameran going out for a tour, so there will be tons of people on board....the only difference between them and me is that I got to go for free! haahaha. I think it's about a six hour cruise. It is gonna be sweeeeeeeeeet! Here's a picture of the boat that I will be going out on......

Today was a bit more overcast and gloomier than yesterday. But still beautiful. dI walked down to town today with the same girl as I did yesterday. I just walked around town for a bit then I headed over to the Alaska Sea Life Center. I was nice! Got some cool shots of the animals and just hung around there for a while. Afterwards I went back to the hostel to get some food. Read a bit then rode my bike into town. Chilled by the docks, and then headed over to the trail on the coast. Just on the beach for a while and read. Met some cool people and chatted with them for a bit. Met a lady from Las Vegas, and then an older man with his granddaughter from Seward. I did a lot of other random stuff today too, but its too much to write about! haha
There's a bunch of the people at the hostel tonight, probably because it's Friday. But I am meeting people from all over! Germany, Italy, New Zealand, Australia, Canada....and of course the United States....haha


Cruise ship came into town today!

Saw two bald eagles in the tree by the park!

Quote for the day......

one of my favorite quotes by Buddha